@KTzone » 音樂 - 資源BT » 音樂 - 音樂綜合資源 » 至愛重溫Jason Mraz - We Sing We Dance We steal things[mp3/320kbps/146MB]

2010-1-30 12:33 jazzyt
至愛重溫Jason Mraz - We Sing We Dance We steal things[mp3/320kbps/146MB]


[歌手姓名]:Jason Mraz
[專輯名稱]:We Sing We Dance We Steal Things
[分享空間]: FS
[空間時限]: 至連結無效

美國樂壇有兩個JM,一個是John Mayer,另一位就是Jason Mraz,此位JM初出道是就顯得活潑非常, 把HIP HOP音樂揉合在他一派優遊的結他音樂中,點知近年間就越玩越轄達,只用上一支結他再加些吹口樂器,炮製了<We sing We dance we steal things>此張充滿了假日的唱片。像開首的<Make it mine>就開心節奏之選,<I'm Yours>同是俏皮非常,如果你有去他在09年頭的音樂會,就知道他與薛凱琪合唱了<Lucky>,又是首百聽不厭的好曲。總之呢位JM就係John Mayer後另一位要注意的singer song writer.此大碟更附送多一張Live album, 聽到他感人一面。


Disc 1
1. Make It Mine
2. I'm Yours
3. Lucky Featuring Colbie Caillat
4. Butterfly
5. Live High
6. Love For A Child
7. Details In The Fabric (featuring James Morrison)
8. Coyotes
9. Only Human
10. The Dynamo Of Volition
11. If It Kills Me
12. A Beautiful Mess

Disc 2
1. I'm Yours [From 'The Casa Nova' Sessions]
2. A Beautiful Mess [From 'A Raining Jane' Session]Player)
3. Live High [From 'An Avocado Salad' Session]
4. If It Kills Me [From 'The Casa Nova' Sessions]
5. Make It Mine [From 'The Casa Nova' Sessions]
6. Butterfly [From 'The Casa Nova' Sessions]
7. Only Human [From 'The Casa Nova' Sessions]
8. The Dynamo Of Volition [From 'An All Night' Session]
9. Love For A Child [From 'The Casa Nova' Sessions]
10. Coyotes [From 'For A Girl In New York' Sessions]
11. Man Gave Names To All The Animals [From 'The Gospel Collection' Sessions]
12. Mudhouse / Gypsy MC [Live From Amsterdam]



喜愛就多多回帖~~ :P

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2010-3-5 01:38 myloading
good !~l;ike

2010-12-9 00:03 beck7tch
can upload again? I like the songs so much~

2013-8-29 02:04 CNY
[quote]原帖由 [i]jazzyt[/i] 於 2010-1-30 12:33 發表 [url=http://ktzhk.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=24372045&ptid=1142677][img]http://ktzhk.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

[歌手姓名]:Jason Mraz
[專輯名稱]:We Sing We Dance We Steal Things
[檔案大 ... [/quote]
wooooooo no

2013-8-31 23:40 mpe
THANKS a lots!!

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